Saturday, August 20, 2011


So, basically, this is me.

My name is Sarah, and I'm a 16-year-old girl who spends her life on the internet.

So now that half of you have closed your browsers, I'm assuming the other half are still reading because I gushed at you for long hours about the beauty of this endeavor or you're my friends and can't bring yourself to lie later and say "Oh, uh, yeah, I read it!". It's like stepping onto Mars for me- a Mars made up of actual responsibilities (namely, writing posts). Thereby, I can't breathe.

Because of that, instead of actually writing something funny, I'm going to start this off by explaining what a weird anomaly (is that even the right word?) of a person I can be and telling you about myself. To do that, I'm going to use a list, because lists make it easier to not have to actually write with diction and syntax and all that stupid stuff I had to learn about from my American Studies teacher.

First of all: I like fashion. I also like staring at badly dressed people and judging them in my mind while pretending to be an upstanding, kind citizen.

Second: I also like videogames. I was just playing my dwarf paladin on World of Warcraft. I spend my whole life PvPing in sweatpants with my hair in a messy bun, drinking Diet Coke in my bedroom and snapping at everyone who interrupts me. (I'm sorry, family. I'm sorry.)

Third: I have a life, sometimes, maybe. I'm expecting it to die after I start this blog.

Fourth: Oh god why did I do this to myself?

There isn't really an appropriate way to end this making you all feel like you've read genius humor, so I'll just make you a bunny.

 ( )( )
(  . .  )

/ u  u \

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