Saturday, August 20, 2011

How To Play A Holy Priest In Arathi Basin

If you've ever played World of Warcraft, you may have witnessed what it looks like when a priest (particularly holy) enters a Battleground. In this post, we'll use Arathi Basin as an example. They'll be standing beside the flag, guarding it with everything they've got and possibly even killing something on their own, when a rogue unstealths and kills them in one hit.

If you play a priest like I do, you may need to develop some coping mechanisms to win the Battleground, or at least not die five times in one run. These are my favorites, one of which I actually use.

#1: Stand by the opposing team's rez location and stun them. It doesn't matter if you die, because you'll be having fun (and maybe they won't expect it so you can get your first Honorable Kill)!

That doesn't work very well when some Orc Death Knight pops up, drinks a potion, and turns to you going, "That blood elf mage you killed in the last BG? That was my alt."

Spoiler: You'll die. Even if you look like this.

#2: Stay at the Stables. God forbid you EVER move, even if something else is falling. In Priest School, they'll instruct you to stand there awkwardly at the base closest to your graveyard, then cry when nobody comes to help you as you die. If you're losing, complain loudly in Raid Chat.

#3: This is the one I use ingame, because it works. It has a few steps and requires some materials that you may or may not be able to acquire, which is why it's going to be most of this post.

You will need:
1 good rogue

1 base that's contested, but not too much (I find that Gold Mine or Lumber Mill works the best. Just.. Not the Farm. Ever.)
A lack of dignity

You have that? Good. Here's what you do.

As soon as you enter the BG, call out incessantly in Raid Chat for any rogues willing to help you. If they don't respond, then just keep talking. It's not you. Obviously, it's that they're too shy to go along with your great plan.

Eventually someone should respond. Message them and convince them to come to your chosen base with you. Caps lock is the best for this. It will convince them that you believe in your strategy so much that YOU ARE TYPING LIKE THIS JUST TO SHOW THEM.

Other people may follow you and your new Rogue buddy to the base. Pretend they do not exist or they will swarm you like Murlocs at Crystal Lake going "HEY, WHATS GOING ON? LOL".

Once you have your rogue, ask them to (or refuse them buffs if they don't) stealth right next to you at the base's flag. It's best if the other players (the ones who aren't supposed to be there anyways) hide. Or leave. Leaving is just as good, although maybe you should keep some if you're not as confident.

(Here's a tip for being confident: Make a druid. Spec them to be a tank. DONE. YOU ARE NOW WAY TOO CONFIDENT IN YOUR ABILITIES.)

Now that you're all in place, give up on killing anything. Your wonderful, very important job is to be bear bait. Sometimes, this is literal, but mostly it'll just be Hordies. (Or Alliance, if you're a looooser.)

So stand still. Just kinda chill. Maybe dance. If you're a female night elf, definitely dance. Eventually someone will come running up to attack you. Sometimes they even take two or even three hits to do it! Then, while the attacker is murdering you with ruthless abandon, your rogue will unstealth and stab them.

Rogues are good at that.

This is a Spirit Guide. She rezzes you. Get used to seeing her.

At this point any other people there will run out asking what happened and why the priest is dead. This strategy works especially well on rogues who like to "ninja" capture bases. They unstealth, seeing no danger, when in just a few seconds they'll look like Colonel Ackbar as they scream in rage "IT'S A TRAP!!" at their computers.

At least, that's how I like to picture it.

Good luck, my fellow priests. Try not to die.

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